Hello My Name Is Tiger aka El Gato De Tig

Born in Detroit but now I live in LA

Number of Treats I Deserve

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While some cats meow when they want treats or need their litter box cleaned, Tig has full conversations with anyone who talks to him. He’s truly here to be a part of the conversation. He’ll respond when you acknowledge him, and he’ll chime in when you’re talking shit behind his back (and he’ll shit in the shower to get his revenge). Most cats can understand certain commands, but El Gato De Tig interprets and analyzes full conversations. Sometimes he’s even eavesdropping so he can taunt you by doing exactly the opposite of what you expect. Either way, Tig understands it all, and wants you to hear about it.

Quinn Jones

Bright Age


Tiger Sankuer Jones

Born in a junk yard on 8 Mile Road in Warren, MI. I lived with the Chief for years now I live in Canoga Park, CA and travel the world with Kylo.

Check Out My Tig Tok

The guys below are the best in their businesses and they keep me well fed.

Tiger S. Jones


Web By Jones .com

Contact for all Production and Web Design needs.

Jones Bros Music .com

Click Here for all your latest Music Information.

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